CEAP Classification of Chronic Venous Disorders: Let’s all speak the same language.

The CEAP classification (Clinical-Etiological-Anatomical-Pathophysiological) was created in 1994 to standardize the diverse manifestations of chronic venous disease. It was modified in 2004 to refer...

Iron, ochre dermatitis and venous disease

The idea of talking about iron and venous ulcer came to me when I read an article that has just been published on the...

What type of compression therapy to choose in each situation?

Once again, the post in summer time has compression therapy as its main theme. Last year we talked about the "Essential Decalogue in the...

Bandages impregnated with zinc oxide: Unna boot and much more

Unna boot is not something new. In fact, it's something very old (almost as old as punch grafting:). I was waiting for the slightest...

Suspected infection in a leg ulcer: swab or punch biopsy?

We have a patient with a venous ulcer, for severeal months, which has been stagnant for two weeks. Exudate has increased despite adequate compressive...

Corona phlebectatica: sign of advanced chronic venous insufficiency

The responsible for my selection of this topic is the Virtual Congress of the European Academy of Dermatology, which has been held last week....

Vitamins, folic acid, proteins and venous ulcer

What would you include in a blood test for a patient with a venous ulcer? What alterations would you expect to find, whose...

Sulodexide: a pill against endothelial damage from venous hypertension

The idea to write this post came after reading the scientific program of the 13th Wound Specialist Day in Zürich. I find this year's...

The importance of footfall and footwear in venous ulcers

How little is said about the importance of footfall and footwear in people with venous ulcers! In this post we will understand why it...

New recommendations about compression therapy

There's a big news flash! A very relevant consensus document on compression therapy has just been published: Risks and contraindications of medical compression treatment...

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