How long can I space out dressing changes of a leg ulcer?

First the pandemic and now the big snowfall... This year we have accumulated impediments to maintain the healing guidelines that we consider most beneficial...

Why animals do not develop venous ulcers?

Surely this question has ever crossed your mind... In this post we are going to see why vets never have to treat venous ulcers,...

Do you know the benefits of black tea dressings?

Another post about traditional treatments, which you know is a topic I love;) For some time I had in mind to dedicate a blog...

Povidone-iodine and chronic ulcers: a great controversy

Povidone-iodine is a product that is used by many professionals who treat wounds, but it also has many detractors... Despite not being new and...

Bandages impregnated with zinc oxide: Unna boot and much more

Unna boot is not something new. In fact, it's something very old (almost as old as punch grafting:). I was waiting for the slightest...

Why do we continue to use topical antibiotics in clean wounds after dermatologic procedures?

The unnecessary use of topical antibiotics in clean acute wounds is an issue I spoke about 4 years ago in the post "How do...

Distraction as analgesic strategy during dressing changes

Professionals  involved in wound management know that dressing changes represent an enormously stressful factor for patients, mainly because of the associated pain. Pain has...

Silver sulfadiazine: adored by some, detested by others.

Silver sulfadiazine cream (better known by its commercial names) remains, since the 70s, in the top of products used in wound healing, predominantly in...

Why do we use topical zinc on wounds and perilesional skin?

Zinc in wounds is a subject that has never lost its relevance. Zinc is a trace element, i.e. a metal found in the body in...

What if we heal with music?

Pain in a skin wound is triggered during dressing changes, which in some cases are daily. Dressing changes can become a real stress for...

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